IIA training and events


Results 211-220 of 501


What should you consider if your organisation or supply chain engages in crowdfunding?

Tax on termination payments

Learn about the changes to tax on termination payments that came into effect in 2018

GDPR ….. here and now!

We are now living in the reality not the hype.

GDPR - Final summary thoughts

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - final summary thoughts.

GDPR - Data breaches

The GDPR introduces a duty on all organisations to report certain types of personal data breach to the relevant supervisory authority.

GDPR: Keeping current with consent

If your organisation does need to create or update consent forms, what are the guiding principles to follow?

GDPR: Consent and legitimate interests

The GDPR develops the DPA standard of consent in several areas and sets a higher standard for consent.

Inspiration for tough topics

Our technical blogger considers the Oscars and asks, how is your internal audit function providing assurance on diversity?

GDPR: have you addressed key risk areas?

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the main areas of risk identified.

Is plastic on your audit plan?

Does your organisation have a reduction programme already underway? Has it been audited?