IIA training and events


Results 241-250 of 501

Giving feedback to stakeholders

Read our top tips on developing a trusted relationship with stakeholders, which will help when you need to provide feedback.

Stakeholder engagement

Stakeholder engagement is regularly identified as a top priority for internal auditors. But what does it really mean?

GDPR – Mountain or molehill?

Issues arising from Protiviti's presentation on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Auditing culture - why good companies go bad

Why organisational culture is still a problem and the institute's work and tools on how to audit culture.

Investors in supermarkets and internal audit – what’s the connection?

The FRC's Reporting Lab has published a report on disclosures on commercial income and supplier relationships. See what this means for internal audit.

Modern slavery statements

Internal auditors in larger organisations need to start thinking about preparing their modern slavery statements.

Latest IIA survey results - new year, new insight?

The IIA's latest survey results of heads of internal audit show how the profession is shaping up.

Major cyber breach or just theft?

Three suffered a cyber breach this month. Internal audit functions need to be aware.

UK government launches £1.9bn cyber security strategy

The Government's cybersecurity strategy and implications for internal audit.

The new anti-bribery standard – A big step towards tackling corruption

A new Standard builds on the existing anti-bribery legislation, to help eradicate bribery across the globe.