IIA training and events


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Technical blog

Chief professional practice advisor Liz Sandwith blogs about topical issues affecting internal auditors.

Climate change brings evolving and challenging risks for all organisations

Which climate risk themes are relevant to your organisation, and what assurances are internal audit providing?

Making tax digital – Is your business ready?

From 1 April 2019, many VAT registered businesses will be required to start to submit their VAT returns digitally.

Is your waste really being recycled?

How confident are you that the recycling statistics that your company report are genuine?

Work in progress

Internal audit’s path to greater impact and influence

Whistleblowing in the US and the EU

History and statistics to whistleblowing in the US and EU.

Brexit: ‘starter for 10 or 11’ for internal audit to consider NOW

Here we consider and pose a number of questions on Brexit under various headings for internal audit to think about now.

Is your internal audit team ready for Brexit?

It is important that internal auditors are well informed to be able to have constructive dialogue with the business.

Gender pay gap reporting

The results on gender pay gap reporting make for interesting reading and may be a useful reference point for internal auditors.


With the development of technology, traditional financial institutions have expanded their business using FinTech.