IIA training and events


Results 251-260 of 501

Modern slavery - are you helping to protect your organisation's reputation?

Modern slavery - are you helping to protect your organisation's reputation?

Auditing culture - the clock is ticking

Internal audit should step up and demonstrate the capabilities of its robust evaluation of the company’s culture.

Wells Fargo: what happens when all three lines of defence fail

A $185m fine and 5,300 staff sacked. How did the outrageous scam at Wells Fargo Bank go undetected?

Standards: Towards conformance

Read about the key findings from the 2015 Global Internal Audit Practitioner Survey.

Fitness and propriety: the next topic for internal audit?

Could the general principles of fitness and propriety be adapted by internal auditors to promote high standards of behaviour and competence?

Sage announces data breach, shares drop 3.9%

A data breach at Sage is linked to a drop in share price of 3.9%. No wonder internal auditors need to have data breaches on their radar.

Is the retail sector unclear about role of internal audit?

Internal auditors are still seen as 'the police' by some in retail, a recent survey shows. We asked retail colleagues for their perspective.

IIA Standards board meeting in New York

The IIA Standards board got together in New York to discuss changes that will come into effect on 1 January 2017.

Is corporate social responsibility on your audit plan?

How accurate are the infographics you quote in your annual report and accounts?

Climate crisis - time to act

Our collective actions in this decade could determine the future of our planet and humanity… what action are you taking?