IIA training and events


Results 161-170 of 501

Lean auditing

Extended reply to a technical helpline question on lean auditing.

Meeting stakeholder expectations: Top tips

Tips to help you develop good working relationships with your stakeholders.

Position paper: Independence and objectivity

This paper examines how Internal audit is a vital function for organisations in support of the board's governance responsibilities.

Position paper: Internal audit and corrupt practices

About the role internal audit can play in detecting and preventing corrupt practices in an organisation.

Position paper: Internal audit's relationship with external audit

This policy paper is a discussion on the relationship between internal and external audit

Position paper: The remuneration of heads of internal audit

Member briefing. How should heads of internal audit be remunerated in order to preserve or enhance their independence and objectivity?

Position paper: The three lines of defence

Explain internal audit's role in assuring effective management of risk and its position in corporate governance.

Research report: Data Analytics

Analysis of the potential use of data analytics in internal audit looking at three case studies: Coca-Cola Hellenic; Credit Suisse; Dublin Airport Authority

Root cause analysis

An overview of root cause analysis and how internal auditors can use the techniques along with some examples.

Root cause analysis webinar

Learn techniques to identify root causes quickly. Free webinar for IIA members.