IIA training and events

Risk based internal auditing

Presented By
Stephen Maycock CFIIA CRMA Stephen Maycock is a professional trainer, writer and consultant. His broad international experience, spans a number of sectors, and this has provided him with some fascinating case studies which he uses to bring his training to life.

Risk based internal auditing (RBIA) is a methodology that supports compliance with international standards. It enables internal audit to be strategically and operationally linked to the business risk and assurance frameworks. This course will provide comprehensive training on applying the methodology using a case study approach.

Who should attend?

All internal audit professionals involved in the planning and provision of assurance regarding the management of business risk.

What will I learn?

Upon completion you will be able to:

  • apply the key concepts of RBIA to your organisation
  • link each stage of RBIA to the organisation's risk management framework
  • determine risk maturity and apply the relevant approach
  • understand how internal audit fits into your organisation's assurance framework and undertake an assurance mapping exercise
  • produce a RBIA plan and apply a risk based methodology to internal audit assignments
  • provide meaningful assurance statements to your audit committee and board.

Course programme


  • driving forces for a risk based approach
  • overview of RBIA stages
  • meeting board/audit committee requirements.

Assurance framework

  • sources of assurance to the board
  • mapping assurance sources
  • reviewing the adequacy of assurance
  • linking the internal audit plan into the assurance framework.

Risk management and maturity

  • what does good risk management look and feel like?
  • forming risk maturity opinions – where does your organisation sit on the risk maturity continuum?

Risk based internal audit planning

  • internal audit planning case study
  • mapping risks, processes, business units and assurance
  • prioritising the focus of assurance
  • the involvement of management in the internal audit plan.

Risk based assignment planning and reporting

  • determining the assignment scope
  • monitoring controls - the management role
  • reporting conclusions and agreeing action.

Reporting on risk and control

  • assurance statements from internal audit
  • making assurance statements meaningful and useful.

Challenges to successful implementation

  • practical problem solving, to provide solutions to your barriers.

CPE competency areas covered

  • Internal audit management
  • Internal audit delivery

14 CPE points

Full price

Member: £1175 + VAT
Non-member: £1390 + VAT

SAVE £200 when you book this course 3 months in advance

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