IIA training and events

Preparing for an external quality assessment

Presented By
James Paterson PIIA With a career in both finance and human resources, James was also the head of internal audit for AstraZeneca PLC from 2002-2009. James has been training, consulting and coaching HIAs and their teams since 2010 and runs a number of key courses for the IIA, including the Head of Audit Induction Masterclass, Root cause analysis for internal Audit and Assurance Mapping. James was a member of the IIA Council and has been invited as a speaker at three IIA International conferences. James has had numerous articles published and is the author of the book Lean Auditing, published by J Wiley in 2015.

To ensure your internal audit function conforms to the IIA’s International Standards, regular independent external quality assessment is required. Chartered IIA studies show that there are still common findings that “catch out” IA teams.

This workshop is an invaluable tool to help avoid any significant findings as well as learning how to turn this process into a positive experience that can galvanise the audit team’s efficiency and effectiveness. This workshop also includes “war stories” about the EQA process so you can select the right EQA provider build the trust and confidence of key stakeholders, not undermine it.

Who should attend?

Experienced auditors or more senior audit managers/heads of audit who play a role in ensuring that the audit department receives a satisfactory external quality assessment. 

What will I learn?

Upon completion you will be able to:

  • reflect on the up-dated IIA IPPF 2017- what does “insightful, proactive and future focussed” really mean?
  • understand how an EQA process works
  • learn how best to select your EQA provider, “war stories” and pitfalls to be managed
  • understand key areas that an EQA often finds
  • understand good practices around an ongoing quality assurance and improvement programme and how to leverage what you are currently doing to get the credit you deserve
  • consider the status of your own internal audit team and develop priority areas for further work.

CPE competency areas covered

  • IPPF
  • Governance, risk and control
  • Business acumen

7 CPE points

Full price

Member: £625 + VAT
Non-member: £840 + VAT

SAVE £100 when you book this course 3 months in advance

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