IIA training and events

Social media - risks and opportunities

Presented By
Stephen Maycock CFIIA CRMA Stephen Maycock is a professional trainer, writer and consultant. His broad international experience, spans a number of sectors, and this has provided him with some fascinating case studies which he uses to bring his training to life.

The growth in social media has provided organisations with a range of powerful tools to enhance their customer relations and broader market perception. Boards need assurance that whilst opportunities are being exploited, the risks associated with social media are being effectively addressed.

Who should attend?

This course is open to all.

What will I learn?

Upon completion you will be able to: 

  • appreciate the wide range of opportunities that social media provides to organisations
  • understand the diverse array of risks arising from the growth in social media
  • evaluate the design of key controls used in the mitigation of social media risks
  • provide assurance to the board on the effectiveness with which opportunities provided by social media are being pursued and risks are being managed.

Course programme 

Social media opportunities

  • engaging with customers
  • raising brand awareness
  • demonstrating expertise.

Social media risks

  • confidentiality
  • reputation.

Employee perspectives

  • rights and obligations
  • personal use of social media.

Key controls for social media

  • policies and procedures
  • IT aspects
  • monitoring controls.

Providing assurance

  • evaluating control design
  • reviewing effectiveness
  • use of benchmarking.

CPE competency areas covered

  • Governance, risk and control
  • Business acumen

2019/20 Full price

Member: £625 + VAT
Non-member: £840 + VAT

SAVE £100 when you book this course 3 months in advance

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