IIA training and events

Crisis management – extreme risk events

Presented By
Stan Dormer CFIIA Stan is a recognised expert in the field of governance, auditing, business and project risk and IT. He is the author of numerous articles and was the author of the distance learning materials and revision schools supporting IIA qualifications.

Sometimes extreme events arise from the most unexpected circumstances. This course explores the unlikely and maps the actions that an organisation should have in place to control crises, and what you should review to give assurance that all reasonable steps are in place to control extreme events.

Who should attend?

  • the course is open to all.

What will I learn?

After completion you will be able to:

  • understand the nature of extreme events;
  • understand the triggers that can tip the balance towards unlikely events occuring; and
  • be able to undertake an audit of the plans and preparations your organisation has in place for dealing with the unusual.

This course is accompanied by a manual that has course notes, examples and practical exercises.

Course programme

Extreme events

  • I’ve heard the term ‘Black Swan’ – what does it mean?
  • how much harm have organisations experienced through unlikely events?
  • can my organisation be held accountable for unpredicted events?
  • do risk management brainstorming processes cover every aspect of risk?

 Auditing crisis management and extreme risk events

  • proportionality must come into play – we can’t plan for everything – surely it would be unaffordable?
  • triggers for extreme events – keeping risk assessments up to date
  • awareness of external facts and trends – risk indicators
  • understanding of third-party risks and impacts
  • domino effects – mapping them into your system – better risk registers
  • crises management plans – what do they look like and what can I review?
  • where should crises plans be kept?
  • staff training, user awareness – where and how are staff involved and what to review?
  • crisis response capability – what to review?
  • reducing the impact – what should we do and what do I review?
  • roles and responsibilities – what to review?
  • internal responses – what to review?
  • external responses – what to review?
  • testing of crises management plans – what to review?
  • post crises – collection and analysis of data and actions taken – what to review?
  • reporting to the outside world – engaging with our customers – what to review?
  • reporting to the outside world – engaging with other bodies – what to review?
  • reporting criminal incidents to law enforcement – what to review?
  • learning from others – keeping up to date – what to review?

Presented by

Mindgrove Ltd

CPE competency areas covered

  • business acumen
  • governance, Risk and Control

7 CPE points

Full price

Member: £625 + VAT
Non-member: £840 + VAT

SAVE £100 when you book this course 3 months in advance

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