IIA training and events

Auditing fraud

Presented By
Martin Robinson CFIIA Martin Robinson is an education and training consultant for the Fraud Advisory Panel. He is also the training development advisor for the IIA. He develops, presents and facilitates a wide range of events, seminars and conference. He worked for 25 years in the audit and risk department of Lloyds TSB Group as head of business audit.

With fraud and cybercrime now the most common crimes committed, organisations need to take a much more proactive approach in managing the constantly evolving nature of these threats. Internal audit also needs to enhance their approach to respond to the changing environment and to provide even greater assurance to executive management.

Who should attend?

This course is open to all.

What will I learn?

Upon completion you will be able to:

  • understand the threat landscape
  • identify fraud warning signs and red flags
  • understand the fundamentals of good fraud risk management
  • review and audit core fraud controls
  • practical tips, tools and techniques.

Course programme

Fraud and the role of the internal auditor

  • the current fraud and cybercrime landscape
  • IIA standards and the role of the internal auditor.

Identifying and auditing key fraud risks

  • understanding your organisation’s fraud risk appetite
  • fraud risk assessments and robust registers.

Hallmarks of an effective anti-fraud strategy

  • fraud prevention, detection and response policies
  • developing a sound ethical business culture.

Understanding the human dimension

  • Protecting your front door with recruitment policies
  • staff policies and ongoing monitoring.

Finance, payroll and expense management

  • red flags and discovering fraud in your financial systems
  • financial and management accounting manipulation.

Procurement and outsourcing

  • fraud risks in the procurement lifecycle
  • bribery and corruption key risk areas.


  • overview of common cyber threats
  • the basics of data breach management.

Developing a robust audit approach

  • auditing fraud at strategic and operational levels
  • proactive audit planning and use of data analytics.

CPE competency area covered

  • Risk, quality and control 

7 CPE points

Dublin date also available

This course is also held in Dublin. Events in Ireland are paid for in euros and so we need to direct you to a different web page to book this course:

Book a course in Dublin

Full price

Member: £625 + VAT
Non-member: £840 + VAT

SAVE £100 when you book this course 3 months in advance

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