IIA training and events

Financial Crime

31 July | Brasserie Blanc, London

This event will formally launch our member network ‘Women in Internal Audit’. This new Chartered IIA network is about developing, promoting and empowering women in the internal audit profession, and seeks to support and encourage women throughout their internal audit careers.

42% of Chartered IIA members are women and of FTSE 350 Chief Audit Executives we believe around 30% are women. But we know there is still a lot more to do to ensure we have an even more inclusive profession that supports and promotes more women into the most senior leadership roles.

The launch event will focus on the issue of authentic leadership in internal audit.  The event will be centred around panel discussion offering views from influential women in senior positions from across the internal audit profession and will provide a great opportunity to network.

Our senior panellists will offer their thoughts, insights and personal stories on what authentic leadership really looks like, how it is best deployed, and how it has made them successful in their internal audit careers. There will be the opportunity for you to ask your questions, get their advice and swap business cards!

This event is kindly being sponsored by Hybridge governance recruitment, the advocates of #auditiscool.

Why attend?

  • Develop your professional network
  • Meet senior role models
  • Join a cross-industry forum for talent development
  • Share best practice in managing challenges facing women within the profession
  • Shape the forward agenda for WIIA



Registration, breakfast and networking    


Introduction, Frances Hawkins
WIIA Steering Committee Chair and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs


Panel discussion
With Sally Clark, former Chief Auditor, Barclays, Alison McFadyen, Group Head, Internal Audit, Standard Chartered, Angela O’Hara, Director Assurance and Risk, Johnson Matthey, moderated by Frances Hawkins

09.10 09.40

 Q&A session

CPE competency areas covered

  • Internal Audit Management 
  • Communication
  • Persuasion and collaboration

1 CPE point

All seminar and network events are subject to our Fair Collection Notice and Privacy Policy

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