IIA training and events

Certified Internal Auditor

Syllabus update in 2019

From 1 January 2019, students sitting the CIA exams will be tested on a revised syllabus. But there's nothing for students to worry about. You can complete the CIA by passing a mix of 'old' and 'new' parts – you won't lose credit for any exams taken under the current syllabus.

Learning materials will be updated in due course and in the second half of 2018, we will run workshops for both the old and new syllabus. 

Read how the syllabus will change

Tuition for CIA students

If you are registered on the Certified Internal Auditor programme you have access to the CIA Learning System, which is an interactive online study tool to support you as you work through the syllabus.

Log in to the CIA Learning System


Exams for the CIA are held at over 100 Pearson Vue centres in the UK and Ireland.

Register for an exam via IIA Global's certification management system

Question about tuition? Call 020 7498 0101 or email learning@iia.org.uk