IIA training and events

Sector-specific standards and guidance

There is significant commonality across internal audit and much that different sectors can learn from each other. There are also some specific standards and specialist areas. 

The guidance and resources on this page should be considered as a start point to your learning journey.

Charities | Financial services | Insurance | Public sector

Need help to find what you are looking for? ask the resources team


Chartered IIA
Introduction to charity sector Grant funding administration 

Additional resources

The Charity Commission
Charities Internal Audit Network (CIAN) - special interest group

Financial Services

Chartered IIA
Annual governance, risk and control Auditing ICAAP and ILAAP Conduct risk
Customer vulnerability and IA Interest rate risk management Head of IA - SM function 
Product development in FS Model risk Financial instruments directive
Operational continuity Operational resilience Outcomes of processes
Retail credit risk Retrospective reviews Senior managers regime and IA
Wholesale credit risk
Building effective internal audit Embedding IA in FS Internal audit effectiveness
Risk assessments and IA work RBIA planning in FS Internal audit planning checklist
IIA Global  
Market risk in financial institutions Stress testing for banks  Auditing conduct risk
Auditing credit risk management Auditing liquidity risk: An overview Auditing model risk management 
Foundations of internal auditing in financial services firms 2019  

Additional resources

Internal Audit Financial Services Code of Practice
BIS: Bank for International Settlements - including Basel III and implementation of the Standards, corporate governance standards for banks and other requirements


Chartered IIA
ECIIA - IA in insurance Solvency II: the fundamentals Solvency II: the role of internal audit

Additional resources

Internal Audit Financial Services Code of Practice
Bank of England - Solvency II regulatory requirements
Insurance Internal Audit Group - Special interest group

Public sector

Chartered IIA
Grant funding administration Income generation Value for money auditing
IIA Global  
Audit committees in public sector  Governance in the public sector Auditing grants in the public sector
IA competency for public sector IA in public sector Strategic public asset protection

Additional resources

CIPFA - PSIAS: Public Sector Internal Audit Standards 

Content reviewed: 20 January 2022