IIA training and events


Results 71-80 of 501

Preparing an internal audit strategy: Top tips

Provide clear direction for internal audit activity in your organisation by writing an internal audit strategy. Here are some tips.

Raising the profile of internal audit

How relationship marketing can help you achieve internal audit objectives and also raise the profile of internal audit within your organisation.


There are various ways in which the internal audit function can be resourced including the use of secondments.

Supervising an audit engagement

How to supervise an internal audit engagement - practical tips and advice.

Things to consider when preparing for your annual internal audit opinion

Things to consider when preparing for your annual internal audit opinion.

Using internal audit software: Top tips

Top tips on what to consider as part of the preparation and planning process when looking for audit software.

Webinar: Connecting the dots

Learn how internal audit can become more effective and relevant by de-cluttering processes and connecting the few critical dots.

Working with stakeholders

Develop and improve day-to-day working relations with your internal audit stakeholders

File review

Understand the importance of consistent, repeatable file reviews and be provided with tools to implement such practices.

IT auditing and cyber security

How to conduct an internal audit of IT. Resources for internal auditors on IT and cyber risks.