IIA training and events


Results 341-350 of 501

Position papers

The IIA's view of governance, risk and control issues in internal auditing, plus the roles and responsibilities of internal auditors.

Technical skills

Resources to help internal auditors develop their technical internal audit skills

Interpersonal skills

Resources to help internal auditors develop their interpersonal (soft) skills.


How coaching can be used to develop professional competencies in your internal audit team. Learn about its methodology and application.

Communication skills

Understand the communication process. Deal with with internal audit stakeholders more effectively and convince senior managers to do things differently.

How to write in plain English

How to make your writing accessible, clear and punchy. Write clear internal audit reports using plain English.

Developing audit competencies

Risk based auditing, combined with professional qualifications have given internal audit a much wider remit associated with objective and focused assurance to support governance, risk management and ...

Difficult clients

Some tips and suggestions to help you engage with difficult clients.

Listening skills and processes

This open course provides an introduction to listening skills and processes, with the aim of helping you become a better listener.