IIA training and events

Revised Standards 2017

The changes are effective from 1 January 

IIA Global called on members to provide feedback on proposed changes to the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing to meet the challenges of today’s evolving business environment. During the 90-day consultation from February to May 2016 a total of 1,144 responses were received from individuals and organisations around the world.

The proposed Standards were approved and the update, effective January 1, 2017, includes:

Two new standards, pertaining to:

  • The reality that CAEs are sometimes asked to take on risk management, compliance, or other roles beyond internal auditing.
  • The potential objectivity-impairing situation in which an internal audit activity performs an assurance engagement after previously consulting in the area.

Alignment of the Standards to the Core Principles:

  • Modifications primarily focus on the following two Core Principles, “Aligns with the strategies, objectives, and risks of the organisation,” and “Is insightful, proactive, and future-focused.”

Updates to existing Standards:

  • Communications: Summarise in one standard the required communications from the CAE to the board and senior management.
  • QAIP: An enhanced annual requirement for CAEs to report on their quality assurance and improvement program and current level of conformance.

View the revised Standards

Next steps

  1. Revised Standards released 1 October 2016
  2. Implementation guides to be completed by December 2016
  3. Revised Standards become effective 1 January 2017
  4. Translation of 2017 Standards by 1 January 2017
  5. New 2017 IPPF (Redbook) available Qtr 1 2017
  6. New Quality Assurance manual available Qtr 2 2017
  7. Certifications: Exam questions no earlier than 1 July 2017

Understanding the changes 

Message from The IIA’s International Internal Audit Standards Board (IIASB):

  • Thanking people for completing the survey and providing comments to the 2016 Standards Exposure.
  • Summarising the results from the survey and key themes received from the feedback. 

View the message here

Marked-up version changes to the Standards 

IIA Global has marked up a copy of the Standards so you can easily see the changes that have been made.

View the changes here 

Disposition table

To build greater transparency into its standards-setting processes, the IIASB issued survey results and the disposition table, which document overall results, key comments received during the last exposure period, and actions taken by the IIASB as a result of that input. 

View the table here

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Content reviewed: 20 January 2022