IIA training and events

New IPPF 2015

Following a consultation that began in 2013, IIA Global's board of directors have approved a set of enhancements to strengthen the ongoing relevance of the International Professional Practice Framework (IPPF).

The existing content of the IPPF has been retained and new features and changes to the overall structure introduced. Here is the new structure of the IPPF with a summary of the key changes and a video explaining the changes and the reasons for change.

Watch the video


IPPF logo 2015



The definition, standards and code of ethics are unchanged.

Mission statement 

The addition of a Mission of Internal Auditing as part of the IPPF, worded as follows:

To enhance and protect organizational value by providing risk-based and objective assurance, advice and insight. 

Core principles

The addition of core principles for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing as part of the mandatory elements of the IPPF

  1. Demonstrates integrity.
  2. Demonstrates competence and due professional care.
  3. Is objective and free from undue influence (independent).
  4. Aligns with the strategies, objectives, and risks of the organization.
  5. Is appropriately positioned and adequately resourced.
  6. Demonstrates quality and continuous improvement.
  7. Communicates effectively.
  8. Provides risk-based assurance.
  9. Is insightful, proactive, and future-focused.
  10. 10. Promotes organizational improvement.


The change from 'strongly recommended' to 'recommended' for the non-mandatory elements of the IPPF

  • Mandatory = Core principles, Definition, Standards, Code of ethics
  • Non-Mandatory = Implementation guidance and supplemental guidance

The change from practice advisories to implementation guidance as a layer of recommended guidance

Existing practice advisories will remain current until they are retired with the issuance of Implementation Guidance. During the 6 July launch of the new IPPF, Implementation Guide 1000: Purpose, Authority, and Responsibility and Implementation Guide 2110: Governance will be released and the corresponding practice advisories will be retired. Implementation Guides will be released on a quarterly basis throughout 2015–16, beginning in October 2015.

The change from practice guides (to include all non-implementation guidance pieces, e.g., GTAGs) to supplemental guidance as a layer of recommended guidance

All existing practice guides and GTAGs will become supplemental guidance upon launch of the new IPPF.

Position papers

The deletion of position papers as an element of the IPPF

Position Papers will still exist and be published by The IIA, but they would not be an official part of the future IPPF. Position papers will be owned, managed and developed by the Global Advocacy Committee, rather than a Standards or Guidance committee. Importantly, content within existing position papers that provides guidance for internal auditors will be developed separately and become part of the recommended guidance layers.

Existing position papers will continue to be maintained on the standards and guidance web pages until transitioned. We will communicate future changes as they happen.

Emerging issues 

The IIA to address the concept of 'emerging issues' content

Emerging issues guidance will assist practitioners in addressing emerging trends, changing stakeholder expectations, new regulatory or legislative concerns and/or topical issues, among other matters.  Emerging issues guidance will be developed and issued with minimal delay (in a matter of weeks). 

Content reviewed: 20 January 2022
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