IIA training and events

Interpersonal skills

Developing and maintaining the technical skills to be a competent internal auditor is essential at all career stages.

The guidance and resources on this page should be considered as a start point to your learning journey.

IPPF links | Guidance Additional resources 

Main IPPF links

Core Principle 2 | Demonstrates competence and due professional care

Core Principle 6 | Demonstrates quality and continuous improvement

 Core Principles

1210 Proficiency   Implementation guidance
1230 Continuing professional development  Implementation guidance

Take time to think about your personal development plans and CPE requirements.

A useful tool is the IIA's Internal Audit Competency Framework©

Guidance A-Z

Chartered IIA
Audit competencies Coaching Communication skills
Interpersonal skills Mentoring Presentation skills
Difficult clients Working with stakeholders Meeting stakeholder expectations
Dealing with regulators IA's relationship with regulators Writing - plain, simple, concise
IIA Global
Internal audit competencies  

Additional resources 

Codes of practice | Financial services, private and third sector

Need help to find what you are looking for? ask the resources team

Content reviewed: 20 January 2022