IIA training and events

Continuing professional education

As a member of the Chartered IIA, you are required to maintain and improve your knowledge, skills and other competencies throughout your career. Our CPE policy provides a framework in which to do this.  

The benefits of CPE

The benefits of CPE aren’t just felt when you're going for promotion. Many employers now value 'learning agility' as a core competency. The ability and insight to manage your own professional growth is seen as a key strength.

CPE helps individuals:

  • Build confidence and credibility: You can see your progression by tracking your learning
  • Earn more by showcasing your achievements: It is also a handy tool for appraisals
  • Achieve your career goals: By focusing on your training and development
  • Cope positively with change: By constantly updating your skill-set
  • Be more productive and efficient: By reflecting on your learning and highlighting gaps in your knowledge and experience 

How to approach your CPE activity

Via your personal appraisal and development framework

The best way to approach your professional development is to link your CPE requirements to your organisation’s personal appraisal and development framework. That way your CPE plan forms part of your annual development plan, which your organisation is committed to helping you achieve.

Using our core competency framework

If it's not possible to do that, then use the core competency framework to identify areas for development and set some objectives.

Collecting evidence 

It is very important that you record and collect evidence of your activity so that if you are selected for CPE monitoring, you can submit it easily. You should retain this information for three years. 

Collect certificates of attendance for events and training courses 

Keep a record of other CPE and get your line manager to sign it off.

Your CPE record should describe the activity that was undertaken together with the number of points claimed. You should also note your aims and objectives, what you learned and how you did or will apply it. 

Record your CPE using our CPE record template

Our CPE record template will help you record your activity.

CPE is awarded and recorded in hours, but you may sometimes see the word points used. Broadly speaking, one hour equals one point. There is some flexibility, so an hour is considered to be a minimum of 50 minutes. For example, 100 minutes of activity counts for two points of CPE. We recognise 0.5 CPE points. So 25-30 minutes would count as worth 0.5 CPE points.

Download our user-friendly CPE template (Word document)

CPE for CFIIA, CMIIA, PIIA and QICA holders

Understand what’s required of CFIIA, CMIIA, PIIA and QICA members at a CPE compliance level including how to submit evidence and where to send it.

Read more

CPE for CIA and QIAL holders

Get to know your CPE requirements as a Certified Internal Auditor and learn what counts as CPE.

Read more

CPE employer accreditation

Learn more about our CPE accreditation scheme and how it benefits organisations who employ Institute members.

Read more


For further details, please email cpe@iia.org.uk.