IIA training and events

Membership fees

Our membership year is from April 1 to March 31 and you will pay a full year's fee when you join. The only exception is if you join in January, February or March, when fees will be pro-rated, so you only pay a quarter of the annual fee. 

Membership type Who is it for?  Cost for the year ending in 2023


  1. Those working in internal audit, but aren't planning on taking our designations or
  2. you'd like to complete the IIA Certificate in Internal Audit and Business Risks.

£137 (application fee)


Those studying

  1. the Internal Audit Practitioner designation,
  2. the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) certification),
  3. the Chartered by Learning study route (CMIIA),
  4. as well as those undertaking an apprenticeship.

£137 (application fee)

Chartered member CMIIA   This is our membership fee for Chartered Members.


Chartered Fellow CFIIA, FIIA and fellowship This is our membership fee for Fellows.

£150 (application fee)

Voting membership PIIA, CIA or QiCA This is our membership fee for Voting Members.


Audit Leaders service If you are head of an in-house internal audit function, the Institute has a dedicated networking service just for you. You need to be a member to be eligible for Audit Leaders - you can join and apply at the same time.  £850 + VAT *

*Fees are exempt from VAT, except where shown. 

We're here to help

If you have any questions about our membership options or fees, please get in touch by emailing membership@iia.org.uk or calling 020 7498 0101.

IIA Global membership

We pay an annual fee of $18.00 per member to IIA Global to give you access global professional guidance and a range of other member-only services.

Becoming a voting member

When you complete your IIA certification and progress from student to voting membership, you will be invoiced for the higher voting membership fee.

Reinstatement fees for lapsed members

Members who do not renew their membership but rejoin the Chartered IIA at a later date will be required to pay a £55 reapplication fee. Voting members will also be required to pay £55 per year of non-membership for reinstatement of their professional designation.