IIA training and events

How to apply

Register for CBE assessment

Provided you're already a member of the Chartered IIA, you can register as a candidate today. If you're not already a member, please join as an affiliate member first.

Step 1: Register as a candidate

The first step is to register for the chartered by experience programme and book your interview date. There is a choice of dates available. 

Register for your assessment

Step 2: Written application

Once you've registered as a candidate, please assemble the following information to include in your application, using the (Word) templates provided:

  1. Your candidate statement 
  2. A sponsor statement 
  3. Two referee statements from your current or most recent employer: one should be from your line manager, the second can be from another senior representative who has knowledge of your work
  4. Your CV
  5. Your employer's organisational chart  
  6. Copies of relevant academic and professional qualifications used to support your application  

Please provide all your information at the same time and email it to cbe@iia.org.uk. For the deadline, please check the timings.

Information disclosure

Please note we may provide confirmation of your chartered status to your current or prospective employer if they ask. 

Terms and conditions

Payment is due within 30 days. If, for any reason, you fail to submit your written application by the published deadline, we may allow you to defer until the next available assessment session. Deferral may be subject to an administration fee.

Please read our full terms and conditions

Questions? Call 020 7498 0101 or email cbe@iia.org.uk