Special award
The Special Award allows the Institute to recognise volunteers and others who have contributed to the profession or the institute. It is one of the ways that we say thank you to those who generously give their time, energy and skills to the work of the institute.
Award criteria
The nominee must:
be a current voting Institute member
have been active within the Chartered IIA on a project or committee at local, regional or national level for a minimum of three years
be a capable volunteer, displaying skills that have been of value to the Institute over the year
be recognised by their peers as a leading advocate for the profession of internal auditing and as an outstanding contributor to the Institute.
How to make a nomination
Nominations for the 2021 Special Award will be provided in due course.
Previous recipients
2019/2020 - David Mitchell CMIIA
2018/2019 - John Thomasson FIIA
2017/2018 - Lee Elliot Cartwright CMIIA
2016/2017 - Mohamed Khan CMIIA and Lisa Griffiths CMIIA
2015/2016 - Pamela McDonald PIIA
2014/2015 - Teri Morgan CMIIA
2013/2014 - Nuala Comerford PIIA
2012/2013 - Helen Higgs CMIIA
2011/2012 - Jim Thomson CFIIA
2010/2011 - Keith Labbett FIIA
2009/2010 - Aidan Allcock CMIIA
2008/2009 - Vicky Kubitscheck CFIIA
2007/2008 - Robert Beattie CMIIA
2006/2007 - Sean O'Broin CMIIA