IIA training and events

Core competencies

When you complete your Chartered Internal Auditor PEJ you need to demonstrate that you have met the core competencies described in the global internal audit competency framework. 

IIA Diploma core competencies vary slightly to the ones listed below and they're listed in the PEJ template itself.


  • Applies the relevant portions of the International Professional Practices Framework.

2. Finance and accounting

  • Applies an understanding of the technical aspects of finance and accounting appropriate to their own or clients' organisation when communicating with others.
  • Applies an understanding of management accounting appropriate to their own or clients' organisation when communicating with others.

3. Organisational and management theory

  • Applies an understanding of organisational and management theory to own or clients' organisation. 

4. Organisational context

  • Applies an understanding of the regulatory and legal framework within which their own or clients' organisation operates. 

5. Economics

  • Applies an understanding of macro- and micro-economics appropriate to the organisation when communicating with others. 

6. Quality and control

  • Applies a range of appropriate quality models and frameworks.
  • Demonstrates an understanding of the principles of ethics and integrity.
  • Identifies the risk of fraud occurring and the appropriate means for detection, investigation and prevention.
  • Maintains effective working relationships with other assurance providers.

7. Personal effectiveness

  • Develops and wields influence effectively.
  • Develops and implements organisational policies and procedures effectively.
  • Develops and exploits effective working relationships.
  • Operates effectively through proactive collaboration.

8. Communication

  • Advocates the internal audit function to others. 

9. Managing others

  • Manages staff effectively.
  • builds and inspires a team.
  • Leads a team effectively. 

10. Managing conflict

  • Manages and resolves conflict. 

11. Managing performance

  • Manages performance effectively. 
  • Manages own workload and that of team effectively. 

12. Managing change

  • Acts as a champion for change.
  • Responds positively to change. 

13. Research and investigation

  • Selects and applies a range of appropriate operational and management research. tools and techniques.
  • Selects and applies a range of appropriate forecasting tools and techniques. 

14. Business process and project management

  • Manages projects within the internal audit function or organisation effectively.
  • Uses performance management techniques to monitor and evaluate operational and strategic performance. 

15. Risk and control

  • Explains and applies internal controls and a range of control frameworks.
  • Trains others in control model used.
  • Applies sampling, data analysis and other statistical techniques to analyse and assess data.

16. Data collection and analysis

  • Uses benchmarking data adequately.
  • Uses data extraction software and communicates data manipulation requirements to others.