The Chartered IIA revised its qualifications framework in 2015 to embrace IIA Global's qualifications suite. We adopted the Certified Internal Auditor, which replaces the IIA Diploma. Chartered Internal Auditor status remains our premium professional status.
Registration for our former qualifications has now closed.
Members who pass the IIA Diploma are awarded the PIIA designation. While this continues to be a recognised professional designation, after June 2018, no further PIIA designations will be awarded. At the point of transition, PIIA holders were eligible to accept the CIA.
The IIA Diploma has been replaced by the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), which is a globally-recognised certification.
Members who hold the IIA Advanced Diploma are entitled to use the CMIIA designation and call themselves a Chartered Internal Auditor.
Chartered Internal Auditor status now embraces the new Qualification in Internal Audit Leadership (QIAL).
Read the IIA Advanced Diploma syllabus