IIA training and events

Study support

Books, online, face-to-face – what's your learning style?

There are two kinds of learning resources available to you as a CIA student, which combine self-study activities with tutor-led teaching:

  1. CIA Learning System 
  2. Revision workshops
  3. CIA Challenge Exam masterclasses

When you register for the CIA you will receive online access to the CIA Learning System which includes e-books for all 3 parts. Our workshops provide intensive revision for each part of the CIA. They are optional, but we want you to pass first time, so we strongly recommend them. View the costs

In addition to the CIA Leaning System and our CIA Masterclasses, we also offer exam workshops as part of our study support. These exam workshops form the basis for our CIA Challenge Exam – which is fast-track route to becoming a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA). See ‘CIA Challenge Exam masterclasses’ below for details.

CIA Learning System  

The CIA Learning System is an interactive online study tool. You will be granted access to this system for three years, which should be ample time to complete the CIA.

The learning system will support you as you prepare for the exams. Initially, it will assess the level of your knowledge and your strengths and weaknesses. Based on this it will then generate a unique study plan, with a personalised reading list and study schedule leading up to your desired exam date. 

You will also be able to:

  • download electronic versions of the books (to read online or via an e-reader)
  • print off flash cards to help you learn and memorise key concepts
  • record your progress as you work through the reading materials 
  • test your understanding and information retention with regular quizzes
  • take practice exams (as many as you like). 

Revision workshops

Our exam revision masterclasses cover the core parts of the syllabus and help you tackle any of the subjects you have found particularly challenging.

 CIA part Workshop length Cost, £
1. Essentials of Internal Auditing 2 days 715
2. Practice of Internal Auditing 2 days 715
3. Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing 2 days 715

These workshops are held regularly in London and Manchester. Prices are exclusive of VAT.

Book a masterclass today

CIA Challenge Exam masterclasses

The CIA Challenge Exam is fast-track route for qualified accountants to complete the highly respected Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) qualification. This route is available only to members of qualified accounting bodies and covers all areas of the CIA qualification (Parts 1, 2 and 3).

In preparation for the exam, candidates are invited to book a challenge exam masterclass with us, presented online and available across the world.

Book a CIA Challenge Exam masterclass

Study with other tuition providers

You are not obliged to take tuition when you study the CIA and workshops may be available via other tuition providers