IIA training and events

Order new books

Purchase hard copy versions of CIA Learning System

The updated study materials to support the CIA syllabus, which comes into effect on 1 January 2019, will be available online. They will include all the content, including also quizzes and multimedia to aide your learning.

Unlike the previous version of the CIA Learning System, you will not need printed books. However, if you would prefer to have hard copy materials we can supply them at a cost of £20 per book or £50 for the full set (prices exclude VAT). 

Please complete the form below to order. The books will be delivered via courier between 9.00 and 17.00 and a signature will be required on delivery.

Order books for the CIA Learning System

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Which books would you like to order?
Delivery of the learning materials (9am-5pm, signature required)

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Please read our study programme terms and conditions