IIA training and events

End point assessments (EPAs)

What is an end-point assessment?

An end-point assessment (EPA) takes place at the end of an apprentice’s training journey and its purpose is to test that an apprentice has performed all of the responsibilities that their job role demands. It is applicable to both internal audit practitioner (level 4) apprenticeships and internal audit professional (level 7) apprenticeships.

When an apprentice is ready to take an EPA, their employer will put them forward for the assessment.

How do EPAs work?

The Chartered IIA are the only EPAO for both internal audit apprenticeship standards.

EPAs are conducted by Independent end-point assessors (IEPAs) who work with an end-point assessment organisation (EPAO) to deliver them.

All end-point assessment providers must be approved by the ESFA before being added to the Register of Apprentice Assessment Organisations (RoAAO).

When an employer takes on an apprentice, they can select an EPA provider from the register and then confirm their selection with their training provider.

An apprentice cannot achieve their apprenticeship without passing an end-point assessment.

What do EPAs consist of?

All EPAs are graded and comprise the following:

  • Tests
  • Examinations
  • Professional discussions
  • Workplace observations
  • Portfolio of work
  • Assignments
  • Assessment of work output

How much do EPAs cost?

Costs for EPAs vary subject to the methods and assessment tools used, along with their estimated completion times. In other words, subject to the requirements set out in the Standards.

As a general rule of thumb, an EPA costs between roughly 10-20% of the overall cost of the apprenticeship delivery.

For non-levy payers, an employer will pay one third of the EPA costs, and the ESFA two thirds.

For levy-paying employers, an EPA will be paid for by their levy contributions.