IIA training and events

Council Committees

The IIA Council has five standing committees, detailed below. Click on the committee name to find out about each committee's role and responsibilities: 

Audit Committee

Chair - Peter Wood CMIIA

Committee members:

Peter Elam CMIIA

Moya Moore CMIIA

Rosie Nightingale PIIA

Steve Stanbury CIA

Peter Wood CMIIA

Business and Finance Committee

Chair - Jon Whitfield CMIIA

Committee members:

Dermot Byrne CMIIA

Paul Day CMIIA

Malcolm Zack

Nominations Committee

Chair - Paul Manning CMIIA

Committee members:

Aidan Allcock CMIIA

Peter Elam CMIIA

Mark Lenton CMIIA

Remuneration Committee

Chair - Mark Lenton CMIIA

Committee members:

Peter Elam CMIIA

Paul Manning CMIIA

Jon Whitfield CMIIA